Difference between revisions of "Main Page"

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'''SALMON''' ('''S'''calable '''A'''b-initio '''L'''ight-'''M'''atter simulator for '''O'''ptics and '''N'''anoscience) is an open-source software based on first-principles time-dependent density functional theory to describe optical responses and electron dynamics in matters induced by light electromagnetic fields.
SALMON Website is moved to  https://salmon-tddft.jp
At present, SALMON is under a trial release. We plan to release an official version in a few months. Please be informed that some major changes may be applied in an official release version.
* [[About SALMON]]
* [[Download]]
* [[Documents]]
* [[Samples]]
* [[Development]]
* [[User Information]]
* [[Contact]]

Latest revision as of 16:50, 16 May 2018

SALMON Website is moved to https://salmon-tddft.jp