Publications using SALMON

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Published papers that use SALMON will be useful to know what SALMON can do. We list papers that uses SALMON and its former programs including GCEED developed in Institute of Molecular Science and ARTED developed in University of Tsukuba. If you publish a paper using SALMON and the paper does not appear here, please let us know of it.

  • [Solid][Diamond][Attosecond]

M. Lucchini, S.A. Sato, A. Ludwig, J. Herrmann, M. Volkov, L. Kasmi, Y. Shinohara, K. Yabana, L. Gallmann, U. Keller
Attosecond dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect in polycrystalline diamond
Science 353, 916-919 (2016).
DOI: 10.1126/science.aag1268

  • paper2
  • paper3