Explanations of input files (dielectric function of crystalline silicon)

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Mandatory: calc_mode

  calc_mode = 'GS_RT'

This indicates that the ground state (GS) and the real time (RT) calculations are carried out sequentially in the present job. See Input variables#&calculation for detail.


Mandatory: none

  sysname = 'Si'

'Si' defined by sysname = 'C2H2' will be used in the filenames of output files.


Mandatory: periodic, al, state, nelem, natom

  iperiodic = 3
  al = 10.26d0,10.26d0,10.26d0
  nstate = 32
  nelec = 32
  nelem = 1
  natom = 8

iperiodic = 3 indicates that three dimensional periodic boundary condition (bulk crystal) is assumed. al = 10.26d0, 10.26d0, 10.26d0 specifies the lattice constans of the unit cell. nstate = 32 indicates the number of Kohn-Sham orbitals to be solved. nelec = 32 indicate the number of valence electrons in the system. nelem = 1 and natom = 8 indicate the number of elements and the number of atoms in the system, respectively. See Tutorial-v.1.0.0#&system for more information.


  pseudo_file(1) = './Si_rps.dat'

izatom(1) = 14 indicates the atomic number of the element #1. pseudo_file(1) = 'Si_rps.dat' indicates the pseudopotential filename of element #1. lloc_ps(1) = 2 indicate the angular momentum of the pseudopotential that will be treated as local.


  xc = 'PZ'

This indicates that the adiabatic local density approximation with the Perdew-Zunger functional is used. We note that meta-GGA functionals that reasonably reproduce the band gap of various insulators may also be used in the calculation of periodic systems. See Tutorial-v.1.0.0#&functional for detail.


Mandatory: dl or num_rgrid

  num_rgrid = 12,12,12

num_rgrid=12,12,12 specifies the number of the grids for each Cartesian direction. See Tutorial-v.1.0.0#&rgrid for more information.


Mandatory: none

This namelist provides grid spacing of k-space for periodic systems.

  num_kgrid = 4,4,4



dt=0.16 specifies the time step of the time evolution calculation. nt=3000 specifies the number of time steps in the calculation.



propagator = 'etrs' indicates the use of enforced time-reversal symmetry propagator. See Tutorial-v.1.0.0#&propagation for more information.


Mandatory: nscf

This namelists specify parameters related to the self-consistent field calculation.

  ncg = 5
  nscf = 120

ncg = 5 is the number of conjugate-gradient iterations in solving the Kohn-Sham equation. Usually this value should be 4 or 5. nscf = 120 is the number of scf iterations.



  trans_longi = 'tr'
  ae_shape1 = 'impulse'
  epdir_re1 = 0.,0.,1.

as_shape1 = 'impulse' indicates that a weak impulsive field is applied to all electrons at t=0

epdir_re1(3) specify a unit vector that indicates the direction of the impulse.

trans_longi = 'tr' specifies the treatment of the polarization in the time evolution calculation, transverse for 'tr' and longitudinal for 'lo'.

See Tutorial-v.1.0.0#&emfield for detail.



nenergy=1000 specifies the number of energy steps, and de=0.001 specifies the energy spacing in the time-frequency Fourier transformation.


Mandatory: atomic_coor or atomic_red_coor (they may be provided as a separate file)

 'Si'    .0      .0      .0      1
 'Si'    .25    .25    .25    1
 'Si'    .5      .0      .5      1
 'Si'    .0      .5      .5      1
 'Si'    .5      .5      .0      1
 'Si'    .75    .25   .75     1
 'Si'    .25    .75   .75     1
 'Si'    .75    .75   .25     1

Cartesian coordinates of atoms are specified in a reduced coordinate system. First column indicates the element, next three columns specify reduced Cartesian coordinates of the atoms, and the last column labels the element.