required and recommened variables
Mandatory: none
&units unit_system='A_eV_fs' /
This namelist specifies the unit system to be used in the input file. If you do not specify it, atomic unit will be used. See Input variables#&units for detail.
For isolated systems (specified by iperiodic = 0
in &system
), the unit of 1/eV is used for the output files of DOS and PDOS if unit_system = 'A_eV_fs'
is specified, while atomic unit is used if not. For other output files, the Angstrom/eV/fs units are used irrespective of the namelist value.
Mandatory: calc_mode
&calculation calc_mode = 'GS' /
This indicates that the ground state (GS) calculation is carried out in the present job. See Tutorial-v.1.0.0#&calculation for detail.
Mandatory: none
&control sysname = 'C2H2' /
'C2H2' defined by sysname = 'C2H2'
will be used in the filenames of output files.
Mandatory: iperiodic, al, nstate, nelem, natom
&system iperiodic = 0 al = 16d0, 16d0, 16d0 nstate = 5 nelem = 2 natom = 4 nelec = 10 /
iperiodic = 0
indicates that the isolated boundary condition will be used in the calculation.
al = 16d0, 16d0, 16d0
specifies the lengths of three sides of the rectangular parallelepiped where the grid points are prepared.
nstate = 8
indicates the number of Kohn-Sham orbitals to be solved.
nelec = 10
indicate the number of valence electrons in the system. Since the present code assumes that the system is spin saturated, nstate
should be equal to or larger than nelec/2
nelem = 2
and natom = 4
indicate the number of elements and the number of atoms in the system, respectively.
See Input variables#&system for more information.
Mandatory: pseudo_file, izatom
&pseudo izatom(1)=6 izatom(2)=1 pseudo_file(1)='C_rps.dat' pseudo_file(2)='H_rps.dat' lmax_ps(1)=1 lmax_ps(2)=0 lloc_ps(1)=1 lloc_ps(2)=0 /
Parameters related to atomic species and pseudopotentials.
izatom(1) = 6
specifies the atomic number of the element #1.
pseudo_file(1) = 'C_rps.dat'
indicates the filename of the pseudopotential of element #1.
lmax_ps(1) = 1
and lloc_ps(1) = 1
specify the maximum angular momentum of the pseudopotential projector and the angular momentum of the pseudopotential that will be treated as local, respectively.
Mandatory: dl or num_rgrid
&rgrid dl = 0.25d0, 0.25d0, 0.25d0 /
dl = 0.25d0, 0.25d0, 0.25d0
specifies the grid spacings in three Cartesian directions.
See Input variables#&rgrid for more information.
Mandatory: nscf
&scf ncg = 4 nscf = 1000 convergence = 'norm_rho_dng' threshold_norm_rho = 1.d-15 /
is the number of CG iterations in solving the Khon-Sham equation. nscf
is the number of scf iterations. For isolated systems specified by &system/iperiodic = 0
, the scf loop in the ground state calculation ends before the number of the scf iterations reaches nscf
, if a convergence criterion is satisfied. There are several options for the convergence check. If the value of norm_rho_dng
is specified, the convergence is examined by the squared difference of the electron density,
The following namelists specify whether the output files are created or not after the calculation.
&analysis out_psi = 'y' out_dos = 'y' out_pdos = 'y' out_dns = 'y' out_elf = 'y' /
Mandatory: atomic_coor or atomic_red_coor (it may be provided as a separate file)
&atomic_coor 'C' 0.000000 0.000000 0.599672 1 'H' 0.000000 0.000000 1.662257 2 'C' 0.000000 0.000000 -0.599672 1 'H' 0.000000 0.000000 -1.662257 2 /
Cartesian coordinates of atoms. The first column indicates the element. Next three columns specify Cartesian coordinates of the atoms. The number in the last column labels the element.